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Data Management Import Validation

Valid records will be highlighted Yellow in the Grid whilst invalid records will be highlighted in Red. Scan across the grid to find the error, this will usual occur when trying to import a blank field or an incorrect value for a field due to field lengths or invalid characters.

A user may save the import and commit all the valid records to the database, upon successfully saving MiiNT will clear out all the valid results leaving only invalid records

Valid Import

Invalid Import

Validation occurs at the field level for each row when records are being imported and saved.

If an invalid value has been entered into a field the record will not be saved and the offending value will be highlighted in red.

Validation Description

Esc key

Press the Esc key once to cancel the editing of a field

Use the Cancel button to clear the import page.


Hover over the little red triangle in the top right hand corner of the highlighted field that has caused a validation error in the invalid record, to see the error message.

The Location Code is a mandatory field and requires a unique value.

In this example the Location Code and Description are mandatory.

A valid value must be entered for the Location TypeCode field. The drop down lookup contains valid values.

Unable to enter a character into a numeric field.